Top Criteria To Select The Capacity of Your Rooftop

There is rising competition in the commercial sector globally. To meet the energy requirements, there is a huge demand for rooftop solar power systems among commercial establishments in Australia. With so many users for solar panel installation in Sydney , they would like to know the right capacity for the rooftop solar power system. Criteria To Determine The Capacity For Rooftop Solar PV Installation 1. Project Scope For designing a solar PV plant that best fits your requirements, it is essential to define the project scope, i.e. the purpose of rooftop solar PV installation . The reason for rooftop solar power system installation may be one or more of the following: To support electricity requirements during the daytime. To reduce the use of traditional fuels like diesel. To keep the appliances and machines running during power outages. To support lighting loads. To generate power for use at nighttime. 2. Site Surveillance The site surveillance involves inspecting and determin...