
Showing posts from August, 2022

Trina vs Jinko A Solar Panels Comparison Guide

  Most Australians find themselves in a dilemma even after deciding on solar panel installers. This dilemma is choosing between the top two solar panel manufacturers. For individuals paying high energy bills every month, investing in the best and most efficient solar panel system is crucial. Keeping in mind the competition in the solar panel industry, choosing the right solar panel has become increasingly difficult even after reading Trina solar panel reviews and Jinko solar panel reviews from industry experts and existing users. Trina and Jinko are two of the best solar panel manufacturers, providing quality solar panels for residential and commercial purposes as well as utility-scale projects. About Trina Solar Trina is one of the prime solar panel companies in the world, manufacturing low-cost and high-quality solar PV systems. It is one of the biggest manufacturers of solar panels in the world, with its main office located in China. Trina solar panels reviews indicate that Tr...

Is It Possible to Install Solar with a Roof Facing South?

  Are you planning to invest in buying a good quality solar panel system of a suitable size for your home? The amount of energy it can generate will depend on the roof facing. The tilt angle, direction, shading, and size directly impact the amount of energy generated by a solar panel. Before going for solar panel installation in Sydney , you need to carefully understand how your roof direction will impact solar energy generation. Solar Panel Direction is Crucial The solar panel direction is vital because solar panels that face the worst direction (south) generate almost 28% less energy than those facing the best direction (north). Since Australia is a country located in the Southern hemisphere, the sun’s direction moves towards the north. Hence, solar panel orientation towards the north will give maximum solar output. The solar panel direction towards the east or west will also generate solar power, but at an efficiency which would be 10-20% less compared to a north-oriented solar...

Fronius vs SMA – Which Is the Best Solar Inverter?

The solar inverter plays a crucial role in converting the energy generated by the solar system into a usable form of energy to power your home. It is rightly called the brain of the solar system since it converts the direct current (DC) output of a solar PV panel into alternating current (AC), which is used by most electrical appliances and the electricity grid as well. Choosing the solar power inverter for your residence or office is crucial. When it comes to the best solar inverters in Australia , Fronius vs SMA; are two leading manufacturers of solar string inverters. Both these companies are quite popular in Australia for their high-efficiency residential, commercial, and hybrid solar panel systems. Fronius vs SMA Single Phase Inverters (Residential) SMA Sunny Boy Fronius Primo Three Phase Inverters (Commercial) SMA Tripower Core-1 Fronius Symo Advanced and Lite Fronius vs SMA inverters can be compared with each other on the basis of the following parameters along with Fronius and ...

Is It Worth Investing in a Commercial Solar Panels System?

  The first thing that comes to the mind of most individuals when they hear the word solar panels is a residential rooftop solar system. However, there are commercial solar panels, too. For those running a business, commercial solar panels in Sydney would be an ideal choice. Running any business requires a tremendous amount of energy (power). The monthly electricity bills form a large part of the expenses of most businesses in Australia. With a commercial solar panel, an Australian business can save money on electricity bills and also play a key role in saving the environment. If you are wondering whether installing a commercial solar panel would be worth it, here are some of the top reasons why you should really go for it. Cost-Effective Energy The tariff for commercial power is rising, making it more difficult for companies to reduce their expenses. Depending on your business premise, the cost of power may run into thousands of dollars every year. Installing a solar panel will ...