Ultimate Guide to Solar Panel Rebate 2024
Embracing solar energy not only aligns with environmental goals but also opens the door to enticing rebates offered by the Australian Government and manufacturers. Let’s get into the details of solar rebates, covering up-front incentives, ongoing benefits, and additional schemes that can maximize your solar investment. Up-Front Solar Rebates The Australian Federal Government, committed to carbon-neutral goals, implements the Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme. Central to this scheme are Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs), which are virtual tokens representing the solar system’s ability to generate one-megawatt hour of energy over 14 years. What is an STC? A small-scale technology certificate (STC) serves as a virtual token symbolizing a solar system’s capacity to generate one megawatt-hour of energy over a standard 14-year period. The Australian Government has committed to acquiring these certificates as a recognition of the clean energy being generated. The STC program, ...