Does the Solar Power System Work During Rain?

If you already have a solar power system or are looking for solar installation Sydney, there is one question that you may have in your mind.

Does a Solar Panel Work In The Rain?

Yes, solar panels work in the rain, but with reduced solar panel energy output. Irradiance is a major factor affecting the solar panel energy output on rainy days. A solar power system will only generate a solar panel energy output of 10-20% than it would produce during optimal conditions.

Efficiency of a Solar Power System During Cloudy And Rainy Days

  • Rainy days are worse than dark cloudy days. This is because during rainy days, there are two things obstructing the sunlight – rain and clouds.

  • If the rainfall is extremely heavy, sunlight will be blocked even further.

  • A solar power system will definitely work on rainy days. However, the solar panel energy output will be based on the following factors:

    • Density of clouds

    • Intensity of rainfall

    • Solar power system efficiency

How Does Rain Negatively Impact Solar Power Generation?

  • A solar power system makes use of photovoltaic (PV) technology for converting the incident sunlight into photons.

  • The silicon PV cells in solar panels absorb solar radiation.

  • When photons strike the PV cells, electrons get energized and begin to move.

Read More: Does the Solar Power System Work During Rain?



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