How Much Roof Space Is Required for Residential Solar Panels?


Most homeowners in Australia are looking for alternative and sustainable energy sources to reduce their monthly electricity bills. One way of doing this is going solar. Residential solar panel installation is indeed a smart move that not only helps to cut electricity bills but also is environmentally friendly. You might be thinking about how much roof space is required for solar panel system installation. Let’s clear your doubt.

If you are planning to install a solar panel system on your property, you need the help of CEC-accredited solar installers.

How to Calculate the Roof Space Needed for Solar Panels?

Isolux solar works with homeowners from the initial design to installation and even the testing of solar panels. The first step in a solar system is to determine how much solar energy would be needed to power your home. To calculate how much roof area is needed for residential solar panel installation Isolux solar will perform the following steps:

Energy (Power) Usage

This involves conducting an energy audit to determine how much power your property actually requires. The current monthly electricity bill will tell approximately how much kilowatt-hours of energy is used in a month. Multiplying that by 12 will give the annual estimated energy usage.

Read More: How Much Roof Space Is Required for Residential Solar Panels?


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