What Size of Solar Battery Do I Need?


Solar energy has become increasingly popular over the years as people seek to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on electricity bills. One of the most important components of a solar system is the battery.

In this blog, we will discuss what size of solar battery you need for your solar system.

Understanding Your Energy Needs:

The first step in determining the correct size for your residential solar battery system is to understand your energy needs. This includes looking at your current energy usage, as well as any future changes you may make to your energy consumption. By understanding your energy needs, you can determine how much energy storage capacity you will require from your solar battery system.

Sizing Your Battery System with Solar System:

Once you have determined your energy needs, you can begin sizing your residential solar battery system. This involves looking at the capacity of the battery and the amount of energy it can store. It’s important to choose a battery with a capacity that is appropriate for your needs, as choosing a battery that is too small can result in a system that doesn’t meet your energy requirements.

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How Battery Size is Calculated

In order to determine what size battery is needed, it’s important to understand the terminology used for battery sizing. Battery sizes are measured in kilowatt hours (kWh), which refers to the amount of energy stored in the battery. Solar panel systems, on the other hand, are measured in kilowatts (kW), which refers to the power that the system can generate. Your electricity bill measures energy usage in kilowatt hours.

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For the average Australian home, daily electricity usage is around 16 kWh, with approximately 30% being used during the day and 70% at night. Using this usage profile, it can be calculated that 4.8 kWh of electricity is used during the day, and 11.2 kWh is used during the evening and night. Therefore, a battery that can store at least 11 kWh of electricity would be needed.

Read More: What Size of Solar Battery Do I Need?


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