Ausgrid’s Two-Way Pricing for Solar Exports

As solar power adoption grows, so do the challenges of managing energy distribution. Ausgrid, the largest electricity distributor on Australia’s east coast, is set to introduce a new pricing model to address these challenges. Starting in July, solar owners in New South Wales will experience two-way pricing, a strategy designed to balance grid stability and incentivize efficient energy use. Here’s an in-depth look at what this means for solar consumers.

What is Two-Way Pricing?

Two-way pricing, also known as a two-way tariff, differentiates between peak and off-peak electricity exports. Unlike traditional feed-in tariffs, which offer a flat rate for all solar exports, two-way pricing applies different rates based on the time of day. This model encourage solar owners to optimize their energy consumption and export patterns, aligning with grid demand and supply.

Ausgrid’s Approach

Ausgrid’s two-way pricing plan involves both charges and rewards to manage solar energy exports effectively:

Charge for Midday Exports: Solar electricity exported between 10 am and 3 pm will incur a charge of... Read more


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