Do You Need Council Approval to Install Solar Panels in NSW


Solar panels are a fantastic way to switch to clean energy, reduce electricity bills, and boost your home’s value in New South Wales (NSW). But before you get excited and start sketching out your rooftop layout, there’s one question you might have: Do I need council approval to install solar panels in NSW?

Like many things in life, “it depends.” Let’s find out factors that influence whether you’ll need council approval in NSW and provide some helpful tips to navigate the process smoothly.

Council Approval vs. Building Permits

It’s important to distinguish between council approval and building permits in NSW. Council approval is a broader term that refers to permission from your local council to proceed with a development on your property. A building permit, on the other hand, is a specific authorization required for construction work.

When Council Approval Might Be Needed in NSW

In most cases, council approval is not required for standard solar panel installations on residential properties in NSW. Thanks to the State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) (Infrastructure) 2021, the NSW government has made things easier, especially for smaller systems. This policy outlines exempt development requirements, including most typical solar panel installations.

However, there are some situations where you might need to jump through the council approval hoop in NSW:

Heritage Overlay: If your property is listed as a heritage item or falls within a Heritage Conservation Area, council approval is likely mandatory in NSW. Solar panels can potentially impact the aesthetic of these areas, so councils have stricter guidelines.

Read More: Do You Need Council Approval to Install Solar Panels in NSW


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